Great time today working on the Vermilion's Cougar.. Club members helping club members. Turning wrenches with friends and family. Donuts and Cougars early in the morning.
Thank you to Dwight for pitching in on parts. They really helped us pulling this off.
Last night Dennis and Linda Vermillion brought their 67 Cougar to the shop for a little work. Dennis Vermillion, Randy Christian, Dan Whisnant, Kendall Spears, Juston Woods, Floyd Brown and Charlie Brown all brought talents and knowledge to get some work done. We pulled the entire headlight assembly and repainted and polished it. I think we did a really great job.
Juston and Kendall tried to tackle the wiring harness issues, but the existing butchered harness reigned today due to time. We have a uncut harness for a late 67 production Cougar, but found out we need one for an early 67 production. We will be looking to pull an early 67 under dash to tail light assembly or change underdash harness to later 67. Juston also upgraded the dash lights to LED.
We started at 7am and ended at 4pm. The Cougar will have to make another trip down this summer, but the grill looks great.
I will be on the hunt for some parts this week.
Charlie Brown